High-Level Cybersecurity and Digital Intelligence

We protect critical infrastructures and offer strategic solutions to address the most complex cyber threats.


Lopersec is the specialized arm of LOPERTECH in cybersecurity and digital intelligence. With a team of former military officers and police officers, boasting over 25 years of experience in cybersecurity operations and criminal hunting, we provide protection for critical infrastructures and deliver precise intelligence for strategic decision-making in complex and high-risk environments. Our mission is to ensure digital security in an increasingly challenging world.

Our team of cybersecurity experts

We have a highly specialized team of ethical hackers and crackers, with extensive experience in cyber intelligence, cyber security and cyber defense operations. We work with advanced tools and cutting-edge technologies to ensure the protection of your systems and data against emerging threats.

Among the solutions and platforms we use are:

  • Next-generation firewalls (NGFW) and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS): They protect networks and critical systems, detecting and mitigating attacks in real time.
  • Digital forensics analysis platforms (EnCase, FTK): Leading tools in the collection and analysis of digital evidence, essential for conducting thorough cyber investigations.
  • Vulnerability Analysis Tools (Nessus, Qualys): We conduct detailed security audits to identify and fix potential gaps in your systems before they can be exploited.
  • Advanced Encryption Systems and VPN Solutions: We secure communications and data protection at all times, especially during intelligence operations and the handling of sensitive information.
  • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Software (Maltego, Shodan): We collect and analyze public data to identify potential cyber threats and malicious actors that could compromise security.
  • Attack Simulation Platforms and Penetration Testing (Metasploit, Kali Linux): We conduct attack simulations and stress tests on your systems to detect vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses.
Young adult man focused on computer screen while wearing headphones in an office setting.

In addition to having a highly specialized team and the best tools on the market, LOPERSEC RED TEAM It also has the capability to develop its own attack tools specifically designed for capturing cybercriminals who are part of criminal organizations and cybercriminals, all based on technologies such as PEGASUS and MALTEGO. Our custom development approach allows us to create cybersecurity intelligence solutions tailored to the needs of each operation, providing us with a strategic advantage when conducting investigations and operations in cyberspace.

With these tools, our team is prepared to face the most complex digital security challenges and provide critical intelligence for government actors, security forces, and intelligence services that require a high level of protection and effectiveness in their operations.

In addition LOPERSEC RED TEAM It has provided services to governments and armed forces in over 11 countries, achieving successful and fully confidential results. Our international experience and professional approach allow us to offer high-quality cybersecurity solutions and cyber intelligence globally, always maintaining the highest standards of security and confidentiality in every operation.

What do we do?

1. Military Cyber ​​Intelligence

Military Cyber Intelligence In our mission to protect military and intelligence operations, we work closely with armed forces and security agencies to neutralize cyber threats. We use advanced cyber capabilities to ensure the integrity of their systems and operations, covering a wide range of key activities:

  • Continuous Cyber Threat Monitoring: We detect and analyze attacks from both state and non-state actors, ensuring constant surveillance of potential risks.
  • Analysis of Cyber Data from Multiple Sources: Cyber data analysis from multiple sources: We assess the security of critical infrastructures and defense systems, identifying vulnerabilities and potential entry points for adversaries.
  • Simulaciones de ataques cibernéticos y pruebas de penetración: Realizamos simulaciones realistas de ataques para poner a prueba y fortalecer las defensas, asegurando que los sistemas sean resilientes frente a amenazas avanzadas.
  • Ciberoperaciones ofensivas: Ejecutamos intervenciones en redes enemigas para desactivar infraestructuras críticas, siempre dentro de los parámetros de la guerra cibernética moderna y respetando las normativas legales y éticas.

2. Intelligence Services for Prosecutors and Judicial Bodies

We offer strategic and specialized support in the judicial field, providing advanced digital intelligence to strengthen investigations and legal operations. Our team of experts works closely with prosecutors and judicial bodies to ensure the effectiveness and success of cases. Our services include:

  • Investigación digital forense: Realizamos análisis exhaustivos de dispositivos electrónicos, comunicaciones y archivos digitales en casos de fraude, corrupción, delitos financieros y otras infracciones, asegurando que todas las evidencias sean recopiladas y procesadas conforme a los estándares legales.
  • Rastreo de personas y activos: Utilizamos técnicas avanzadas de OSINT (inteligencia de fuentes abiertas) para localizar personas, identificar redes de contacto y rastrear activos asociados a delitos, apoyando a las autoridades en la búsqueda de pruebas cruciales.
  • Protección y recuperación de datos sensibles: Implementamos soluciones para proteger la integridad de datos confidenciales, recuperando información crítica en casos de alto perfil y asegurando que las pruebas digitales sean accesibles y seguras durante todo el proceso judicial.

3. Police Intelligence Services and Critical Infrastructure Protection

We work closely with law enforcement agencies and intelligence organizations to ensure the protection of critical infrastructures and prevent cybercrimes. Our strategic and technological approach strengthens national security and supports law enforcement in the fight against cyber threats. Our services include:

  • Detección y neutralización de ciberamenazas en tiempo real: Implementamos soluciones avanzadas para identificar y mitigar ataques cibernéticos antes de que puedan comprometer infraestructuras vitales, asegurando su funcionamiento continuo y protección ante amenazas inminentes.
  • Monitoreo de comunicaciones y redes sociales: Utilizamos técnicas de análisis de inteligencia para rastrear y anticipar actividades criminales, detectando patrones y posibles amenazas en tiempo real, lo que permite a las autoridades intervenir de manera proactiva.
  • Análisis de vulnerabilidades en redes y sistemas de seguridad: Realizamos evaluaciones exhaustivas de los sistemas y redes de agencias gubernamentales, organismos de defensa y entidades críticas, identificando debilidades que podrían ser explotadas por actores maliciosos.


In an increasingly interconnected world, vulnerable to cyber threats, our mission is to provide the highest quality security solutions to protect government entities, prosecutors, and intelligence services. Through a personalized approach, cutting-edge technology, and a highly specialized team, we ensure the effective defense of your most valuable assets. Discover what sets us apart:

  • Expertos Certificados: Nuestro equipo está compuesto por profesionales altamente capacitados en ciberseguridad avanzada, inteligencia militar y operaciones de defensa cibernética. Contamos con certificaciones internacionales reconocidas y aplicamos metodologías de vanguardia, garantizando soluciones efectivas y de alta calidad.
  • Soluciones Personalizadas: Reconocemos que cada cliente tiene necesidades únicas. Por ello, nos especializamos en desarrollar estrategias de seguridad a medida, diseñadas específicamente para adaptarse a las particularidades de entidades gubernamentales, fiscalías y servicios de inteligencia.
  • Tecnología de Vanguardia: Empleamos herramientas de ciberseguridad de última generación, incluidas plataformas avanzadas de análisis de big data, monitorización continua de redes y protección integral de sistemas. Esto nos permite ofrecer un nivel de seguridad óptimo y de alto rendimiento, capaz de anticipar y mitigar amenazas en tiempo real.
  • Confidencialidad y Ética Profesional: Operamos bajo estrictos principios de confidencialidad y ética. La confianza de nuestros clientes es fundamental para nosotros, y trabajamos incansablemente para garantizar que sus datos e información estén siempre protegidos y manejados con la máxima integridad.

LOPERSEC: Protection, Intelligence and Defense.

LOPERSEC, nos enorgullece ofrecer servicios de ciberinteligencia avanzada, ciberseguridad and defensa cibernética que protegen a nuestros clientes ante las amenazas más complejas y sofisticadas del ciberespacio. Nuestro equipo, compuesto por los mejores crackers y hackers expertos, está siempre preparado para enfrentar cualquier desafío que se presente, utilizando nuestra vasta experiencia y nuestras propias herramientas de ataque personalizadas para desmantelar redes de ciberdelincuencia y garantizar la seguridad de infraestructuras críticas.

Gracias por confiar en LOPERTECH and GREY TEAM LOPERSEC. Estamos comprometidos con su seguridad, y trabajamos incansablemente para garantizar que sus operaciones sigan siendo seguras, confidenciales y efectivas. Estamos listos para ayudarle a proteger su futuro digital. ¡Contáctenos y permita que nuestra experiencia sea su ventaja!

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Contact us and discover how our cybersecurity solutions can transform your business and secure your information.

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